California Scholarship Federation
California Scholarship Federation

The California Scholarship Federation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to recognize and encourage
academic achievement and community service among middle and high school students in California.
General Information
The California Scholarship Federation seeks to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship within its members.
Eligible students become members by submitting applications based on their report card grades. Membership is for one semester, and membership drives are held each semester within established periods dictated by the State bylaws. Accepted students are
eligible for a variety of exclusive scholarships at universities across the state and in select colleges nationwide.
In order to become a member, students must initiate an application (applications are available during the first two weeks of each
semester) and meet certain criteria:
• They must have at least ten CSF qualifying points
• Have satisfactory citizenship
• Have no D or F grades in any subject during the previous semester
• Have completed the first semester of their sophomore year.
Students must re-submit an application at the start of every semester they wish to participate.
After completing at least four semesters of membership at St. Monica Academy, with at least one occurring during Senior year,
students become eligible to graduate Gold Seal. Seniors may not apply retroactively. The student wears a gold honor cord at
graduation ceremonies, a gold seal is placed on the diploma, and they will be recognized for their achievement.
For more information go to the California Scholarship Federation website.
Seymour Memorial Awards
The Seymour Memorial Awards were established to honor both Charles F. Seymour and his devoted wife, Marian H. Seymour,
who together supplied the inspiration and leadership which fostered the California Scholarship Federation. The very first award
of $25 was presented to Seymour Award recipient Elizabeth Murphy (O’Neil) of Fresno High School in 1936. The Seymour
Award is regarded as one of the highest scholastic honors given to high school students in the state of California.
• Students must be nominated by their CSF Adviser.
• Nominees must have earned Sealbearer status by the end of the first semester of their Senior year.
• Nominations open: January 1st.
• Nomination deadline: February 18th, every year.
• Student finalists must attend the Seymour Finalists Interviews in his or her region.
For more information click here: CSF Seymour Award