
Theatre education at St. Monica Academy enables students to develop intellectually by expanding their capacities
for creative thought and expression, and by encouraging critical thinking skills. Participation both on and off stage
fosters self-confidence, personal growth, and a variety of skills that are transferable to a wide range of careers.
At St. Monica Academy, dramatic plays and presentations are a very important part of the curricular and co-curricular activities. They complement the classical curriculum on a number of levels—in the development of memorization and rhetorical skills, and in making the historical material and literature the students are studying more real to them. Grade school students perform several skits and presentations throughout each school year beginning with Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day in early fall, followed by each student choosing a saint to portray on All Saints’ Day, as well as by participating in the Christmas Pageant and in the living Stations of the Cross before Easter break. In addition to these annual events, students participate in a number of other presentations each year which change depending upon the course of study.
The opportunities for performance during the grade school years prepare students for the annual high school play. Past plays have included Shakespeare’s As You Like It, Twelfth Night, A Midsummer’s Night Dream, The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Comedy of Errors. While all of our students study Shakespeare in their high school literature classes, it is only through performance that they assimilate his true genius.

St. Monica Academy Performing Arts
2024-2025 Theater Season
Mark your calendars!
Save The Date!
St. Monica Academy presents…
Arthur Sullivan and W.S. Gilbert
Pirates of Penzance
Friday, April 4 & Saturday, April 5, 2025
7:00 PM
Lanterman Auditorium
4491 Cornishon Ave. La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011
Save The Date
2025 Shakespeare Auditions!
Saturday, May 17, 2025
at St. Monica Academy
Details to come!
St. Monica Academy presents…
William Shakespeare’s
Romeo & Juliet
Friday, November 8 & Saturday, November 9, 2024
2025 | 7:00 PM
Lanterman Auditorium
4491 Cornishon Ave. La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011
$15 Adults | $7 Children (12 & under)
Tips for Auditioning
- Be prepared.
- Lack of preparation indicates a low level of commitment or desire for a role. Conversely, a well-prepared audition speaks volumes. Good preparation means memorizing the material and crafting it to include a beginning, apex and ending. Excellent preparation includes reading the play and knowing for which characters you want to be considered.
- Be courteous.
- Be on time.
- Smile at the auditors and thank them at the end for taking the time to hear your audition.
- Bonus: Dress appropriately.
- Choose clothes from your wardrobe that evoke your character without being “costumey”. You want to aid the director’s imagination.
Do’s and Don’ts
- Do take a few moments to get into character after your initial conversation with the director.
- Don’t worry about looking nervous. Everyone is nervous in an audition!
- Do face the directors. It helps the directors see your expressions more clearly. (Don’t look right into the auditors’ eyes, but in their direction).