Educational Links
Educational Links

The internet archives a vast, and still growing, amount of useful information. The following sites represent a tiny sample of what is available, but all are concordant, spiritually and intellectually, with the educational mission of St. Monica Academy. These sites are just a starting point in the ongoing process of lifelong learning.

Catholic Resources
The official website of the Holy
See. Come here for liturgy, homilies, church documents and more.
This site is published in several
different language versions.
The official website of the Catholic
Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
This website is published in both
English and Spanish language
The Universalis describes
the Liturgy of the Hours, or
the Divine Office, which has
existed from the earliest times, to
fulfil the Lord’s command to pray
without ceasing.
New Advent explores contemporary issues from a Catholic
perspective. Immerse yourself in
scholarly articles by luminaries
such as Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
and hundreds of others. covers many subjects
including news and commentary,
spiritual health and living,
children and family life, history,
doctrine, and liturgy plus an
online source of important church
The Daughters of St. Paul provide
this site for people of all ages, with
features such as world headlines,
prayers & meditations, and
social issues.
ZENIT is an international news
agency providing objective and
professional coverage of events,
documents and issues emanating
from or concerning the Catholic
The National Association of
Private Catholic and Independent
Schools is an accreditation
The Bible Gateway contains full
text versions of several scholarly
translations of the Holy Scriptures
in eighteen different languages
along with a powerful search
engine that will enable you to find
chapter and verse.

Classics Online
The Christian Classics Ethereal
Library publishes electronic
books by Christian authors from
Augustine to Watts.
Online education in classical
languages, great books and
rhetoric. Schola tutorials are
weekly sessions between students
and tutor.
Bulfinch’s Mythology is an authoritative source of stories from
the Age of Fable, legends from the
Age of Chivalry and romances
from the Middle Ages.
An online resource for encyclopedias, thesaurii, poetry, and
short stories. Well indexed and
extremely accessible.]
E.L. Easton provides this online
classroom in languages from
Albanian to Spanish including the
classical languages, etymologies,
dictionaries, and more.
Check the Internet Classics
Archive using a powerful search
engine that accesses more that
400 works of classical literature by
nearly 60 authors.
Project Gutenberg, supported
by servers all over the world,
makes available in electronic form
the text of tens of thousands of
documents, covering a vast array
of subjects.

The Getty Museum is renowned
for its collection of artifacts from
the classical age of Greece and
Rome. And this site is just part of
a larger collection simply known
as The Getty Center.
A French palace converted into
one of the largest art museums
in the world, the Louvre is home
to the Mona Lisa by Leonardo
da Vinci among many other
famous works
The Hermitage Museum, located
in St. Petersburg, Russia exhibits
the development of world art
from the stone age through the
20th century.
The Boston Museum of Fine Arts
has a world class collection of
art from around the world and
through history. Search their
database of more than 15000
art objects.
The Norton Simon Museum

Yale University music library
The Vienna Boys’ Choir is a choir
of boy sopranos and altos based
in Vienna, Austria. It is one of
the best known boys’ choirs in
the world.
Yale University music library
Vienna Symphonic Library
The idea behind our Vienna Academy is to provide composers and arrangers not only with the most comprehensive store of virtual orchestral instruments but also with detailed information on what these instruments can do.

The Museum of American History
is one part of the Smithsonian
Institution. American Music,
American Presidents, the original
“Star Spangled Banner” that flew
over Fort McHenry and much
more may be found here.
TuftsUniversity provides this
extensive collection of classic
documents, manuscripts and
papyrii, including maps showing
relationships among sites, ancient
and modern.
The Library of Congress was
started by an act of Congress
in 1800. Now a symbol of faith
in the power of learning, the
collection contains more than 100
million items.
Scope Systems provides industrial
electronic repair plus this particular web page, which contains a
fun search of historic events and
birthdays occurring on any given
day of the year.

Science and Technology
The National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration is
the principle government agency
studying oceans and weather conditions. Come here for weather
reports including severe storms in
any United States region.
The United States Geological
Survey provides information
about our land, water, animal
and mineral resources including
worldwide reports on volcanoes,
floods, earthquakes and other
natural activity.
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration conducts
research of planets, stars and
develops technology for use in
space. Check here to see a launch
of the Space Shuttle!
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory
located in Pasadena, California
has developed and managed many
unmanned missions studying
planets, comets, asteroids, stars
and the sun.
The National Air and Space
Museum is one part of the
vast Smithsonian Institution,
sometimes called the “Nation’s
attic”. Check here for the history
of air and space travel from before
the Wright brothers.
The world famous National
Geographic Society studies plants,
animals, geography and cultures
around the globe. Stunning
The Mad Scientist Network is the
laboratory that never sleeps. Try
the Random Knowledge Generator, connect with Ask-a-Scientist
or experiment with MAD Labs.

A+ Math helps students
develop their math skills
interactively. There are flashcards,
the Homework Helper and the A+
Game Room.
Cut-the-knot opens the world
of mathematics through logic,
geometry, probability and much
more. Investigate the Monty Hall
dilemma or try the Fish Soup at
Cut-the-Knot Games