Yearbook Club

Joining the Yearbook Club is a great way to get involved with every aspect of school – from mingling with other students, to attending all kinds of different school events, and actively participating in something that benefits the entire school.
At St. Monica Academy, Yearbook Club is for those high schoolers wishing to make a serious commitment to producing a memorable book, where students can begin learning the many skills needed to pull that off. To publish a Yearbook, especially one worthy of the standards of excellence expected at St. Monica Academy, students not only must study journalistic writing, photography, and graphic design, but also master the disciplines of planning, organizing, collaborating, and implementing goals. Only when these creative and executive skills come together can students successfully produce a work of excellence, one cherished by our extended school community.
Club content
• Fundamentals of publishing a book, from editorial to production:
The art of telling a story with words, photographs, and artwork
Writing (and re-writing) engaging headlines, features, and captions
Preparing for and conducting student and faculty interviews with clear purpose
The art of taking memorable, print-worthy photographs, including sports
photography, photojournalism, candid portraits, and photo editing
Fundamentals of design, layout, and typography
• Building the Yearbook:
Conceptualizing a theme; brainstorming thematic content
Identifying the SMA calendar of events to be covered
Mapping content, cover to cover
“Backward calendaring” production
Defining roles, assigning tasks
Establishing an overall design
Setting weekly and monthly benchmarks for building spreads
• Broader executive skills learned:
Defining goals, as well as standards of excellence
Honing communication standards and skills
Working effectively as a team, whose members have distinct but collaborative roles
Organizing concepts, materials, time
Solving problems creatively